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La IGJ y los conjuntos inmobiliarios y Clubes de Campo

On 02/14/2024, the General Resolution of the General Inspection of Justice (the “IGJ”) No. 4/2024 was published in the Official Gazette, which modifies IGJ Resolution No. 25/2020 and repeals IGJ Resolution No. 27. /2020.

by Matías Zaefferer and Mariana Vázquez

These resolutions obliged the Country Clubs and any other real estate group, organized as a Civil Association under the form of a company, to adapt their organization and social statutes to the provisions of the National Civil and Commercial Code within a period of 360 days ( “CCyCN”) as a real right of horizontal property and a special real right of horizontal property, applicable to pre-existing real estate complexes.

As of the entry into force of the new IGJ Resolution, on 02/14/2024, a procedure is established that enables those entities that resolve it, to proceed with the adaptation provided for in article 2,075, paragraph 3 °, of the CCyCN, in order to promote and facilitate the objective foreseen by the legislator in that norm, without establishing a specific period for it.

Likewise, art. 4 of Resolution 25/2020, which determined that the IGJ had the power to deny the registration of corporate acts to those real estate groups that had not complied with the provisions of said Resolution.

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