Registration and protection of IP assets (trademarks, patents, domain names, data bases, software programs, general copyright, plant variety protection, industrial models and designs).
Early detection of financial crises and proposal of creative solutions to overcome them.
Early detection of financial crises and propose creative solutions that allow them to mitigate and resolve such crises.
Debt restructuring is in our DNA. Richards, Cardinal, Tutzer, Zabala & Zaefferer S.C. has extensive experience in representing clients in insolvency and debt restructuring proceedings. Our team of specialized lawyers is trained to deal with complex and sophisticated situations by companies facing financial difficulties.
Our Firm has extensive experience advising companies in financial distress that are restructuring their debt under an out-of-court restructuring process (prejudicial preventive agreement) or through preventive bankruptcy (a reorganization procedure similar to Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code). We have acted as bankruptcy advisors to companies in large and complex restructuring processes in Argentina.
We also represent creditors dealing with companies facing financial crises. Our clients include banks, investment funds, bondholders, unsecured and secured creditors, borrowers and lenders, shareholders, among others.