Insights»Corporate & M&A

Repeal of the inspection regime on the real estate operations of the SAS.

On 02/27/2023, General Resolution No. 7/2024 of the General Inspection of Justice (the, “IGJ”) was issued, which only resolves to repeal Resolution No. 22/2020 of the IGJ, which provided for the supervision of real estate operations carried out by Simplified Joint Stock Companies (SAS).

by Mariana Vázquez and Ximena Suárez

Said repealed Resolution had provided for coordination between the IGJ and the Real Estate Registry of the Federal Capital with the objective of obtaining information on the existence of operations for the constitution of real rights over real estate, in which the purchasers, creditors or assignees , were SAS registered in the IGJ or in any Public Registry of provincial jurisdiction. In this way, said specific control over the SAS is eliminated.

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