Insights»Compliance, Investigations & Cybersecurity

Creación del Programa de Fortalecimiento en Ciberseguridad e Investigación del Ciberdelito (ForCIC)

Through Resolution 19/2025 the Ministry of Security created the new “Program for the Strengthening of Cybersecurity and Investigation of Cybercrime (ForCIC)” within the scope of the Directorate of Cybercrime and Cyber Affairs of the Ministry of Security.

The new ForCIC Program will coordinate, assist and provide advice on digital infrastructure security techniques, cybercrime investigation and crimes involving the presence or use of technologies.

In this line, among the main objectives of the new ForCIC Program are:

- Increase the capabilities for prevention, detection, analysis and response to cyber incidents and cybercrimes.

- Strengthen the investigation of specific areas of cybercrime within the federal police and security forces.

- Elaborate specific metrics of cyber-dependent and cyber-assisted crimes of the entire national territory, as well as of the cybersecurity situation that may affect internal infrastructures of the jurisdiction and could have an impact on internal security or on the fundamental interests or vital objectives of the Nation.

- Coordinate, assist or provide technical advice in investigations that, due to their specificity, complexity or urgency, may be required.

- Execute actions for the improvement and enhancement of cybercrime investigation and optimization of cybersecurity.

- To implement mechanisms for communication and awareness of cyber incidents and cybercrimes at the national and international level.

- Organize and participate in national, regional and international forums, events, workshops and trainings related to the fight against cybercrime and the strengthening of cybersecurity.

Likewise, the new ForCIC establishes the strengthening of the Cyber Synergy Center of the Federal Police and Security Forces (CS5) and their respective Units (Res. No. 914/2024) together with the Computer Security Incident Response Committee (Res. No. 167/2022) that will operate within the framework of the program.

By virtue of this, a Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan will be developed within the framework of the CSIRT and will seek to strengthen instruction on the subject in the training areas of the Ministry of Security, Federal Police and Security Forces, provincial police forces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

The Resolution encourages and invites the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to the program, to such effect it creates the “24/7 UNIT” whose purpose will be to articulate the actions and objectives of the program with the different jurisdictions.

In the same line, actions must be implemented to promote collaboration and cooperation agreements on the matter with the public or private sector at national and international level.

The full content of Resolution 19/2025 of the Ministry of Security is published here.

by Gustavo A. Bethular and Sofía A. Grassi

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